Love letter from Monroe
Looks like someone from Monroe (now living in Bay City) is just a leeettle cranky about my website. Here's what he/she had to say:
ISP: Charter Communications
MESSAGE SENT: Sunday, October, 19, 2008 at 03:24am
YOU ARE SO FUCKING STUPID! NOBODY FUCKING SAYS THESE THINGS AND YOU NEED TO GET A FUCKING LIFE. HALF OF THESE ARE JUST SPELLED WRONG, BUT SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME WHEN SAID OUT LOUD. SO YOU CAN GO SUCK A COCK AND GO TO HELL. Sincerely - a person from MONROE, and yes, I know how to fucking pronounce the city I have lived in my whole life. It's just like MONday, you know, the day after Sunday? And nothing like MONonucleosis which is probably why your accent is all fucked up.
Monroe, your warmth, civility, positivity and general happiness with life have warmed my heart! I love you too. <3