Sunday, May 15, 2005

Last post

This is the last post of MichiGab. I've had hundreds of suggestions and comments about but almost no discussion about it here. And now I gots me a new job. Gots me no time. Not that more than three people have read this blog...

So this blog is being reborn as something completely different.

And what are blogs, anyway? Worthwhile communication vehicles or drivel that only means something to the writer?

The site will be overhauled this summer, with more words, more products and no blog. Stop by anytime.


At 6:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having just found MichiGab a week ago (does that make me #3 or #4?) I'm sorry to see it go. That said, as a fellow blogger I completely understand the lack of time. Good luck with that new job you gots and I'll see you around flickr!

-- MacGirl

At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the site. California transplant since 1981 was teased about the accent, have since lost it and now I really hear it with my friends still in Michigan.

People out here can NEVER drive in the rain, so I think I will order the license plate frame. Detroit driver just passed your slo-ass. Sooo True....

Thank you so much,

Trisha, Alta Loma, California

At 4:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Weave, I see you refer to us Michiganders as Michiganians several times on your site. As a life long Michigander, I find it a bit offensive to use the made up "politically correct" Michiganian. Michigander is as unique as those of us who grew up here. Let's stand up for our name, Michigander!


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